
Phase 3 & 4 Updates

Unfavorable weather conditions have prompted a temporary deferment of Phase 3. To uphold project timelines, Phase 3 has been rescheduled to occur after the completion of Phase 10. We are currently finalizing the revised timeline for Phase 3; expect notices with the new schedule soon. The roads in Phase 3 are San Joaquin Drive West (south), Yosemite Place, Giant Fir Place, and San Joaquin Drive East (after the Yosemite Drive intersection).

Phase 4 is on schedule to begin February 12 and last through February 23. The roads in Phase 4 are Hoofbeat Way, Stampede Way, Dogie Place, Big Range Road (after Hoofbeat Way intersection to Longhorn Drive North), and Pinto Drive. Temporary street closure and no parking signs will be placed 48 hours before work starts in the area. Construction equipment setup might begin 3 to 5 days prior to the phase, potentially limiting parking.

All members are encouraged to visit the Road Notices page, to sign up for notifications and verify their contact details. For more information about this project, visit