
Phase 5 Starts April 11

Please be advised the asphalt reconstruction project is scheduled to start Phase 5 on April 11.  The roads in Phase 5 are:

  •  Boating Way
  • Yellow Gold Drive
  • Fawn Lake Place
  • Cove View Street (south west section)
  • Nautical Court
  • Lands End Place
  • Canyon Club Drive (north west section)

Construction equipment set up may begin 3 to 5 days before the phase begins and parking may be limited. Temporary street closed/no parking signs will be posted in the work area 48 hours prior to work commencing. General working hours will be Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Streets being reconstructed will be closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vehicles should be parked in zones outside the area scheduled for reconstruction from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Since Canyon Lake does not have sidewalks, residents who need to walk to and from their cars during these times will need to walk along the edge of the street, avoiding obstacles and any construction activity. Always stay aware of uneven surfaces. We will be coordinating with service vendors, however it is possible that mail, trash service and deliveries may be delayed during this period. We have requested that CR&R pick up trash at these locations prior to 7 a.m. on your normal trash day.

There will be a period of time when the street is unpaved but open to vehicular traffic only. Please be attentive to the uneven pavement surface during this period and the traffic control signs posted within the community. Scooters and bicycles should not be used on the roads during any of the construction. If you require special access accommodations of any kind, please contact [email protected].

Any vehicle(s) parked in the street on designated asphalt reconstruction days between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. will be towed without further notice at the vehicle owner’s expense.

We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for your patience during this period.