
Solar Project Update

A new solar project will soon be delivering clean and renewable energy to some of our busiest facilities. Solar panels on steel carport structures will be installed at in the Canyon Lake Lodge parking lot, and overhead solar array structures will be installed at the Canyon Lake Country Club and at the Equestrian Center. These solar structures will generate over one million kilowatt-hours of clean energy and provide ample shaded parking options.

Solar Project Update

October 13, 2023

The solar structures are now successfully connected to the grid! This groundbreaking project will deliver cleaner and more cost-effective energy to our busiest facilities. These solar structures are anticipated to produce one million kilowatt-hours of clean energy annually!

The newly introduced shade structures have proven to be a hit, enhancing members' experience at recent events like the Canyon Lake Car Show at the Lodge and the City Golf Championship at the Golf & Country Club, as well as providing much anticipated vehicle shade for the many visitors at the Equestrian Center.

The Canyon Lake POA undertook this eco-friendly project without any upfront costs. Instead, they will purchase the generated electricity at lower rates than current market prices, securing fixed rates for 25 years and anticipating nearly three million dollars in savings.

September 29, 2023

The driving range area under the solar structure at the Golf Course will open on Saturday, September 30. New grass in front of the driving range tees will be installed in the coming weeks. This Repair & Replacement project was approved at the July Regular Session Board Meeting.

September 1, 2023

Work to restore the driving range area under the solar structure at the Golf Course is underway. This week, crews worked on the concrete pad for the driving mats and started the interlocking pavers for the seating area. Up next, crews will be working on seat walls, planters, and landscaping. This Repair & Replacement project was approved at the July Regular Session Board Meeting, the Board approved funding to restore the driving range area.

June 23, 2023

Work is finishing up on the solar structures at the Country Club as staff works with contractors to add hard surfaces under the new solar structures on the driving range. The solar project has been in development by the last 10 Boards over the last 10 years. The Finance, Facilities Planning, and Green committees have all been involved in this project throughout its development. This project will provide much needed shade along with decades of clean energy and millions of dollars in savings to the Canyon Lake POA operating budget, all at zero upfront cost.

April 11, 2023

This week, work has begun on installing an overhead solar array structure over the golf course driving range. This solar structure will deliver clean and renewable energy for the facility and provide shade over the range during the hot summer months. The driving range will remain open on the forward part of the range using irons only. The putting green and chipping area will remain open.

View Solar Array Location at Golf Course