
Lodge Project Update

The Canyon Lake Lodge was constructed in the year 2000, 23 years ago. Many of the finishes inside this building are original and very worn and dated. The bar area was last updated in 2014, over nine years ago. We hired an excellent design team to coordinate two major projects to update this facility after two decades of hard use.

Lodge Project Updates

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Project Updates

March 20, 2023
We are continuing to make great progress at the Lodge!  This first phase focuses on the exterior patio and bar area. We currently have an ambitious schedule to finish the majority of the outdoor portion by May, weather permitting.

Phase 2 is the restaurant area, and Phase 3 is the lounge/dance floor. Dividing the project into these three phases allows the least disruption to the restaurant and bar functions so that the restaurant may remain open during construction. Our goal is to have this entire renovation complete by fall 2023. The renovation will not affect concerts and events in the Holiday Bay Room. We intend to keep the restaurant and bar open as much as possible throughout the construction.