Canyon Lake POA News


Road Pavement Project

The Canyon Lake POA owns and maintains 37 miles of private roads. The last major road paving project in Canyon Lake was completed in 2012/13, over eight years ago. That project resulted in years of litigation against the contractor, suppliers, and engineers. That paving project has resulted in streets that failed long before their expected design life. So far, the Contractor Hardy and Harper, inc. and the Project engineer Albert A Webb Associates have settled for $5,500,000,and those funds are currently in our Road Reserve Fund. We currently have $10,111,025.00 in our Road Reserve Fund, which includes the $5,500,000. Our team remains optimistic about recovering additional funds against the one remaining asphalt supplier.

Our road repair funding plan is outlined on page 44 of our published 2021-22 Annual Budget (click here to view).

On August 31, the Canyon Lake POA put out a Pavement Project RFP to eight invited paving contractors, requesting bids for the first year of a multi-year paving project. On September 24, five of the eight bidders returned bids. This project incorporates pavement improvements on over 1,300,000 square feet, over 55 segments of streets in Canyon Lake. This project is the first of a multi-year project intended to bring the pavement condition index of our streets up to an acceptable level. Most of our streets are in fair to poor condition, and the goal is to bring all of our 37 miles of private roads up to good condition and maintain them there.

On November 2 at the Regular Session Board Meeting the Board of Directors approved the “Year One” 2022 Paving Project contract funding, plus a 10% contingency, in the amount of $5,639,790.00, to come from our road reserve funds. Staff will work with the contractor to execute the contract, and work is expected to start this January.