marine Patrol


Marine Patrol's Responsibilities

The Canyon Lake POA provides Marine Patrol services for the lake. Marine Patrol enforces the Canyon Lake POA's Rules & Regulations pertaining to the Lake & Marina Section. They ensure all boats on or above the water are registered with the Canyon Lake POA and they issue safety certificates and watercraft inspections. Additionally, Marina Patrol provides emergency towing and battery service.

When To Call Marine Patrol

Marine Patrol can assist with the following non-emergency incidents:

  • Boat Distress Assistance
  • Excessive Wake
  • QUAGGA Mussel Inspections
  • Safety Inspections
  • Speeding Violations

Call 9-1-1 For Emergencies

For emergency situations, please call to 9-1-1 for help. In any emergency police, fire or medical situation call 9-1-1 to report a crime, fire, heart attack, serious injury or emergency. 

Marine Patrol Reports