2024 Annual Meeting & Election of Directors

The Canyon Lake POA has a five-member Board of Directors who are collectively responsible for managing and operating the Canyon Lake POA’s business affairs. The Board of Directors are elected for staggered terms by Canyon Lake homeowners. The Board of Directors works closely with the Canyon Lake POA’s Corporate Department to ensure that Canyon Lake POA duties and responsibilities are being carried out. Annual Elections are held in May of each year for Board Directors.

2024 Director Election Results

The Canyon Lake POA is pleased to announce the following candidates have been elected to the 2024/26 Board of Directors:

1. Bill Van Vleet - View Bill's Resume & Goals (PDF)
2. Greg Doherty - View Greg's Resume & Goals (PDF)

The final vote count (in order candidates were listed on the ballot) is:
- Greg Doherty: 805 votes
- Bill Van Vleet: 926 votes

2024 Board Officers

  • Board President: Bill Van Vleet
  • Board Vice President: Greg Doherty
  • Board Secretary: Joe Kamashian
  • Board Treasurer: Jeff Bill
  • Board Director: Alex Cook

Click here to view the Official Election Results (PDF).

2024 Ballot Measure Results

Restrict Future Sales of Common Areas

Restrict Future Sales of Common Areas

A majority vote to approve this measure would result in the Board being unable to sell common areas without the approval of the Canyon Lake owners. If approved, future common area sales would require a quorum and majority vote in favor at a meeting or election conducted in accordance with California law and Canyon Lake POA governing documents.

Results: 964 in favor, and 105 against. This measure passed as a majority supported it.

View Ballot Measure (PDF)
Visit Governing Documents Page

Board Terms

Board Terms

Efficient operations are significantly hindered by annual changes in the board. This measure was placed on the ballot as an option to address this issue and add stability in the Canyon Lake POA’s governance. If approved, the amendment would establish 4-year terms with a 2-year waiting period for Board members starting from the 2025 Annual Meeting & Election of Directors. Subsequent elections would then occur every two years, fortifying governance tenure, establishing stability within the Canyon Lake POA organization, lessen the presence of election signs, and reducing costs by 50%. The community would only see and experience election signs and campaigning every other year instead of every year.

Results: 679 in favor, and 399 against. This measure passed as a majority supported it.

View Ballot Measure (PDF)
Visit Governing Documents Page

IRS Revenue Rule 70-604

Results: 1,027 in favor, and 74 against. This measure passed as a majority supported it. IRS Revenue Rule 70-604

The IRS Revenue Tax Ruling 70-604 allows associations to avoid a tax consequence on any inadvertent excess member income that is applied to the following Fiscal Year (FY) assessment when filing a tax return Federal Form 1120. This IRS Ballot Measure is considered an annual industry standard to allow for clear tax filing authorization should the Board decide to apply excess income to the following year’s assessment.

Results: 1,027 in favor, and 74 against. This measure passed as a majority supported it.

2024 Meeting of the Members Election Video