2025 Board Candidates
Three of the five seats on the Canyon Lake POA Board are up for election in May 2025. The two-year terms of Joe Kamashian, Alex Cook, and Jeff Bill are ending. The following members have submitted their Intent to Run packets and are candidates for the Board of
1. Bill Medved
2. Jeff Bill
3. Alex Cook
Detailed information about each candidate's qualifications and goals is available online. Please visit our Election page to learn more.
Reminder: Following the 2024 amendment to the Canyon Lake POA Bylaws, Board Member terms have been extended to four years, with elections scheduled biennially. To align with this new schedule, three Board Members elected in 2025 will serve a three-year term. Starting in 2026, the terms will be four years.
Election Update: Due to brand new electronic voting rules, we cannot have an election by acclamation this year. We will still have normal balloting, and we have confirmed with our inspector of election that write-in votes will still be possible online. For more information about this year's election and candidates, visit www.clpoa.com/election.
Board Meeting Recap
The Board of Directors met for their Regular Session Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. At this meeting, the Board appointed a member to the Appeals Committee and approved one rule revision, a resolution on variances for Fiesta Day, and LED lighting and pole replacement at Gault Field. They also approved subsidiary motion items FYE 25–26 Operating Budget & Fee Schedule, Reserve Funding, and Annual Assessments.
As always, we thank everyone who participated in this meeting. The next Regular Session Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, at 6 p.m. at the Lodge. Members are invited to join in person at the Lodge, online at vm.clpoa.net, or watch it live on the Canyon Lake POA Facebook page (@canyonlakepoa).